Meet the Author

Alfie's Bark Mitzvah - Alfie is absolutely adorable, and he is such a good guy ... He is thoughtful and kind and has a great sense of humor. Congratulations and all the best of success with this dear book."
Betty White, Emmy Award Winning Actress, Pet Lover and Animal Welfare Activist

Alfie's Bark Mitzvah - Jewish Culture ... I enjoyed meeting all the wonderful characters and personalities in Alfie's family and seeing them come together for his joyous and proud moment. I got a little "fur" klempt and it's a great reminder to kids that all dogs have individual traits and feelings, just like we do.
Jon Provost, Award Winning Actor, Best Known As Timmy From "Lassie"

In My Zayde's Eyes - "In My Zayde's Eyes" is a beautiful and moving story about the power of unconditional love- the kind of love that can bring about self esteem and confidence to young children. It is an important book that should be read in pre schools around the country. I can only hope that many children are being loved by their Zaydes as portrayed in this tender story.
Sharon Farber, Emmy Nominated Film, TV and Concert Music Composer

Rhythm of the Sea - The inspirational quality of these stories is so needed in our world, especially now. I was transported to some beautiful places where thoughts can linger and the heart is refreshed.
Susan Stafford, Ph.D., Original Host of "Wheel of Fortune", Humanitarian

In My Zayde's Eyes - "In My Zayde's Eyes" is a touching portrait of a young man's discovery of his grandfather's love. As a grandparent, I hope that my three grandchildren experience the same kind of love that Ms. Cohen displays so beautifully in her book.
Neil Sedaka, American Pop/Rock Singer, Pianist and Composer

Alfie's Bark Mitzvah - This book is a real success for Author Shari Cohen, Cantor Marcelo Gindlin and Illustrator Nadia Komorova. Little Five Star, a division of Five Star Publications, made a good choice in deciding to publish this universally appealing and culturally enlightening children’s book. With so much positive feedback, everyone is sure to love "Alfie's Bark Mitzvah".
Jessica Rotter, Staff Writer, The Graphic, Pepperdine University

Draw Fantasy - I teach art in a middle school. When students have finished their assignments early, they may choose one of the how to draw books in my classroom. This book is always chosen first for those that like to draw fantasy pictures. I like to see their excitement after they try one of the pictures. I recommend this book for the 12-14 year old age group, because it is the most requested how to draw book in my classroom.
A Reader From Tooele, Utah

In My Zayde's Eyes - "In My Zayde's Eyes" is a story of unconditional love, illustrated beautifully by France Brassard's lifelike watercolors creating a picturesque journey for a little boy and his Zayde, this is a story that truly warmed my heart.
Bonnie Forbes, Producer, Fortress Features

Alfie's Bark Mitzvah - The book’s characters are dogs (as opposed to people giving their pet a Bar Mitzvah) and it is adorable. The beautiful, luminous illustrations capture the priceless expressions on the dogs’ faces as well as the appearances of various breeds. The rhyme is cute, without being sappy, and the emphasis is on family and Mitzvot. This book would make a great Bar Mitzvah present, but it is highly recommended for three to eight-year-old children.
Kathe Pinchuck, Bloomfield Public Library, Bloomfield, New Jersey

Alfie's Bark Mitzvah - The cheery rhyme captures the jubilant spirit of this occasion, and an accompanying audio CD has five children's songs created especially for the book by internationally acclaimed performer Cantor Marcelo Gindlin ... A wonderful way to introduce the concept of Bar Mitzvah to curious children of all faiths and backgrounds.
James A. Cox, Editor-In-Chief, Children's Book Watch, Midwest Book Review

Alfie's Bark Mitzvah - What a lovely, LOVELY book!!! The story a delight... the artwork beautiful... the songs soulful and warming... this book is a MUST for every Jewish home and for every temple early childhood center... and for those who are not Jewish, what a wonderful way to learn about Jewish tradition!!! A magical book!!!
Jill Zimmerman, Amazon Book Review

Rhythm of the Sea - In reading Shari's stories, you will recognize yourself, and when you do, you will have a new view of yourself and how you relate to other people. You will be touched by Shari's stories about other living beings and you will think about how much we share. One person's life may seem only a brief moment in the millions of years of human history, but the ripples that we leave behind began with some person far in the past and continue on into the future. We each affect each other, like ripples in a pond or waves in an ocean. In this way, we each affect eternity. We are not alone. An ocean runs through us all and we live our lives together in the "Rhythm of the Sea".
Robert J. Banis, Ph.D., St. Louis, Missouri

Alfie's Bark Mitzvah - Alfie’s good, forgiving and loving soul shines through these delightful pages reminding us of the purpose and spirit of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs everywhere. Mazel Tov to Shari Cohen, Cantor Marcelo Gindlin and Nadia Komorova on this joyous book.
Leah Komaiko, Author of Numerous Books for Children, Including Annie Bananie and Earl’s Too Cool for Me

Young Adult Series - Grade 8 Up, Cohen uses a varied format of prototypical scenarios, generous quotations, and lists to offer positive, practical advice on topics such as feelings of favoritism between siblings, resolving conflict and the pros and cons of searching for birth parents. Topics of general interest are included and the chapter which explores the search for identity will be helpful to all teenagers, adopted or not. There is a good balance between the feelings and concerns of adopted teenagers and those of adoptive parents. While not minimizing any concerns, Cohen shows readers that they are not alone. Central to her message is the advice that putting the past into perspective will help readers to go forward in the future. A valuable resource.
Marguerite F. Raybould, Glendale Public Library, California

Draw Fantasy - I teach art in a middle school. When students have finished their assignments early, they may choose one of the how to draw books in my classroom. This book is always chosen first for those that like to draw fantasy pictures. I like to see their excitement after they try one of the pictures. I recommend this book for the 12-14 year old age group, because it is the most requested how to draw book in my classroom. Middle school students love it!!
A Reader From Tooele, Utah

My Bubbe'a Arms - This book is sweet, light and kind. I almost cry everytime I read this book. It is so sweet and so much from a childs perspective. You will totally enjoy this book. A great tribute to "Bubbe".
"Tchotcke", Amazon Review, Midwest

My Bubbe's Arms - I was looking for a book about Grandmas or Bubbes for my daughters and came across this book. It is a touching story about the unconditional love between a little girl and her "Bubbe." The best part about this book is how well it conveys the message that a child is always safe and loved in their Bubbe's arms.
Amazon Book Reviewer

Young Adult Series - Grade 8-12, A book that is informative, helpful, and interesting. Cohen uses a relaxed, personal, one-on-one style that breeds a comfortable "big sister" feeling in its readership. Solid pages of unillustrated text may seem somewhat intimidating initially, but Cohen's approach to topics such as birth order, stepsiblings, jealousy, quarrels, substance-abusing siblings, sick or disabled siblings and strengthening sibling bonds provide readable and practical suggestions for dealing with existing and potential family problems. First person accounts are interspersed throughout. Cohen occasionally introduces her own familial situations and parental perspective to encourage parent-child communication and foster an understanding of the parent as an imperfect and struggling individual. Throughout, communication and empathy are stressed as major keys to all successful interpersonal relationships. This may need help getting into the hands of teen readers, but once there, it will be a gentle, useful source of guidance and will provide much food for discussion and thought.
Celia A. Huffman, Cuyahoga County Public Library, Cleveland
Alfie's Bark Mitzvah - For Jewish children who will one day celebrate their own Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah, Alfie's Bark Mitzvah shows the joy of the celebration as well as the heart behind the ceremony. This is also a delightful introduction for Non-Jewish children into the rituals and family preparation of the Jewish rite of passage. Alfie's dog family and friends are all rendered in soft, gentle affectionate illustrations. A CD of songs by Cantor Marcelo Gindlin is included. Children will enjoy singing and dancing along to the bouncy songs and listening and singing the gentler, inspirational songs that focus on family and passing on traditions. Children's Picture Books
Sights, sounds, and life lessons, Alfie's family is gathering to celebrate his, ahem, Bark Mitzvah, the Jewish rite of passage (for young beagles, like Alfie, at least). Minnesota native Shari Cohen tells the gentle, joyous story of Alfie's big day in rolling rhyme that even prereaders will enjoy hearing aloud. The original music that accompanies the book reinforces its messages of family and tradition.
Maura Keller, Minnesota Parent